Proof of Work/Proof of Stake Hybrid

Released in late June 2013, Crypto Bullion was designed primarily for the purpose of storing wealth. Crypto Bullion is a second generation crypto-currency designed to emulate the properties and supply of gold. It’s the first crypto-currency to display all of the properties of money, while providing the bearer with interest for holding it.
Crypto Bullion is a digital asset with all of the qualities of money. It is a descendant of Bitcoin, but employs an advanced security model which is more efficient and more secure than Bitcoin. The problems of today’s debt based fiat currencies find solutions in cutting-edge decentralized cryptographic currencies like Crypto Bullion. Designed to function as a store of wealth, Crypto Bullion’s fundamentals emulate the properties and supply of gold.
While Crypto Bullion shares many traits with Bitcoin such as fast global payments, decentralization, pseudo-anonymity, and non-reversible transactions, there are many improvements which allow Crypto Bullion to more reliably store wealth. A critical requirement for storing wealth is a low inflation rate. Crypto Bullion is a very rare exception in that it has completed its volatile inflationary stage and settled into its maximum yearly inflation rate of 2%. It also allows prudent savers of Crypto Bullion to earn up to 1.5% annual interest on funds left unspent in their wallets for at least 30 days.
- Proof of Work/Proof of Stake Hybrid
- Algorithm: Scrypt
- Linear difficulty retarget (every 2 blocks)
- 6 Confirmations
- 60 Second block time
- 1.5% Annual interest earned via PoS
- PoW subsidy halving after every 50k blocks until perpetual reward of 0.01
- Target ~1,000,000 CBX
- 0.5% PoW & 1.5% PoS inflation
About Crypto Bullion
What is Crypto Bullion? – Crypto Bullion is a peer-to-peer internet currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Its fundamental specifications enable it to more efficiently function as a store of wealth.Energy and Cost Efficient – The Crypto Bullion network is powered by a second generation hybrid security model which is much more energy efficient, enabling network security to take place on a mobile phone instead of a supercomputer.
Higher Security – The second generation “Proof of Stake” blockchain technology which allows Crypto Bullion to pay interest to savers, is also responsible for providing greater protection against a “51% attack.”
Crypto Bullion Specifications – Crypto Bullion is based on a hybrid Proof of Stake / Proof of Work Scrypt algorithm. It has a block interval of 60 seconds and retargets difficulty every 2 blocks. A reward of 1.5% annual interest is earned by those who maintain a savings of CBX, while 0.5% interest is earned by miners who also help to secure the network.
A Digital Asset – Crypto Bullion is a digital asset with all of the properties of money. Like gold, it is portable, divisible, fungible, scarce, low inflation, durable, non-consumable, and a store of wealth. It can be stored in a private safe and yet transferred across the globe in minutes.
Get Involved – Our community is focused on empowering its members with the knowledge and resources required to quickly spread the benefits of Crypto Bullion to new participants. Please visit ourBitcoinTalk thread for opportunities.
Crypto Bullion’s Life Cycle
It is helpful to understand the fundamental properties of each crypto-currency when trying to determine which one is best suited to a particular purpose. In order to ensure a fair distribution of the crypto-currency, they are typically mined into existence using “consumer grade” hardware to give an equal opportunity to everyone. This is the first phase of most crypto-currencies and it is also the most inflationary and volatile. During this time, miners are putting downward pressure on the price because inflation of a currency implies a lower value and therefore the first to sell may realize the best short term gains. This force is directly opposed by those who believe in the future potential of the currency and are willing to buy or hold at certain prices. The dynamics of this balance change as the mining reward is reduced over time at a rate specified by the currency itself.Crypto Bullion is unlike many other crypto-currencies in that its initial inflationary period was configured to taper off to its long-term inflationary rate within one year of its initial deployment. Crypto Bullion has now reached this point, meaning that CBX is currently beginning the next phase of its life cycle. It is currently the only second generation crypto-currency in the position to attract investment based on its ability to store wealth without losing a significant portion to inflation. We are further encouraged to hold it by the 1.5% annual interest rate earned on savings. The future supply of CBX is very well known and stable which is one less potential negative that an investor has to worry about when assessing the value of CBX.
As more people learn about the utility of Crypto Bullion, rising demand will come from community members who are interested in either storing wealth, or investing to profit from such demand. Our advertisement and education efforts are what will bring this change about. This new phase which leaves volatile inflation behind can be called the capitalization phase. During this phase of the CBX’s lifecycle there will be many opportunities for skilled investors to provide liquidity where the price rises too quickly, and to provide demand when a low price does not correctly reflect its potential. The fundamental shift that drives this capitalization will be a demand for real assets like productive land, precious metals, commodities and those crypto-currencies which represent an honest and fair medium of exchange and wealth storage on which to create a new economy and new financial industry. A reliable store of wealth is a necessary part of a healthy crypto-ecosystem and we will see the demand rise as markets shift from the legacy debt-based economy to a fair and open economy enabled by these new technologies.
As Crypto Bullion continues to mature, trust is built amongst the community attracting the attention of larger holders of capital. This general progression may go from hobbyists, miners, and small investors, to small business, large businesses, multinational corporations, financial institutions, and sovereign entities. There are no distinct lines that are crossed but each group influences aggregate demand throughout the capitalization phase. Investors may provide buying support anticipation of each new level of use and trust, while providing liquidity as the new demand is realized. This process helps to stabilize the overall price trajectory as capitalization continues through a changing demand profile. The greater the trust in Crypto Bullion’s ability to store wealth, the more stable its value measured against other commodities becomes. The capitalization phase will eventually give way to the long term store of wealth phase in which Crypto Bullion may gain recognition as a safe haven asset.
Market Fundamentals
The cryptographic currency market can naturally be seen as part of the greater foreign exchange market which includes all government issued fiat currencies. Many parallels can be drawn and it can get very technical. In order to be understood by the widest audience, I have left out some distinctions which are not relevant to the overall understanding of these concept and would likely cause confusion. We will begin by defining some basic elements found in these markets, the forces that are at play, and details on the roles to be filled in this new economy.The Monetary Base of a currency is the total number of units of a currency that are in existence. The monetary base can expand or contract. Expansion happens through mining and minting, while contraction occurs if a wallet is permanently lost. Although the monetary base may expand, if the new units are being held and not put on to the market, they may not cause a loss in relative value known as inflation. Correspondingly, if a large amount of the currency is lost forever or simply held by the population, an apparent shortage of the currency eventually forces the market to realize a higher exchange rate, identified as deflation. These forces act to stabilize the market as low relative prices encourage spending, and high relative prices encourage saving, thus maintaining a steady exchange rate and flow (i.e. velocity of money).
Unit price is the cost per unit currently found on the open market for a particular crypto-currency. In a currency with a very low expansion rate, this would be primarily affected by the flow of capital. Currencies experiencing a high expansion rate of the monetary base will require a supply of capital inflow to balance against the base expansion, called the maintenance cost. As the unit price doubles, so does the capital inflow rate requirement (maintenance cost). This dynamic becomes readily apparent when the unit price rises too quickly for the capital inflow rate to maintain the new price (pump) and a correction must occur (dump). In addition to capital inflow, the maintenance cost can also be countered by members of the community who choose to hold and save their currency.
Market Capitalization can simply be seen as the total amount of capital that has been invested into a currency. For these markets, normally it is measured in USD, but it could be measured in BTC or any other currency. Usually we would measure this in the currency that we are more familiar with or the one which we perceive to be the most useful. From an investment point of view, market capitalization is a measure of popularity but not necessarily profitability. Market capitalization is calculated by multiplying the unit price by the number of units. Investors are primarily concerned with the unit price because this is the direct value of what they hold. If the capital inflow is directly balancing against the expansion of the monetary base (paying the maintenance cost) we will see an increase in market capitalization over time, without an increase in unit price.
Capital flows can be understood when we realize that there are many different reasons to hold a crypto-currency. They can be held to spend, held to save, held to invest, and used to move funds from one person, place, or market to another. Each of these actions has an implied positive effect on the market capitalization for the length of time that it is held in that currency. For example, we can convert USD to Bitcoin, and Bitcoin to Crypto Bullion where is it held for a year. Each week, a portion is converted to Bitcoin and then to Dogecoin as a weekly spending allotment. We can see that Bitcoin was used the most often, but with the shortest hold times. CBX was the least active, but with the longest hold times. Dogecoin was being held, but not in great quantities. The fact that different roles are being played here is not widely known and provides the diligent investor with more tools to understand these markets.
In order to further understand why one crypto-currency cannot fill all roles, we must look at the ideal fundamentals for each role. A store of wealth must have a low inflation rate to preserve capital and reduce volatility, and can encourage holding by providing interest. An adopted currency must encourage spending by inflating to match the size of its expanding economy as more participants hold to spend. A market gateway should have a positive inflation rate to encourage liquidity and high volume access to many different markets.
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